15 thoughts every Blogger has had one day or another

15 Thoughts Every Blogger Has Had One Day or Another

As a blogger (or maybe a human being in general) I can’t get over how many crazy thoughts, To Dos, want to try, and must finish thoughts go through my head every day. Even when I finish a blog post I’m pleased for about 5 minutes then it’s on to the next thing on my To Do list! There’s a lot you have to do when keeping a blog going and let’s be honest most of us are thinking why the hell am I not getting paid for this? We can’t help it, its like blogger telepathy and a daily battle of clever thoughts and SEO. One great thing is you know when you meet a fellow blogger they understand the wonderfully delightful struggle that is blogging and you probably share the same thoughts and ideas throughout the day. Here are just 15 thoughts (we know there’s a million more) that more than likely every blogger has had one day or another.

1. Sometimes I just write better one glass of wine deep.

2. If there were just 48hours in the day I could get all this done. Yea you’re right, probably not.

3. You’ve followed/stalked another blogger for so long that you start to think you’re really close until you remember you’ve never met in person. You may have even referred to them as your friend at one time or another.

4. “I would buy it”…but instead ill take a picture and make my own DIY version.

5. I would have eaten today but I had to answer emails…

6. How did I not know to move somewhere with loads of natural light!?

7. Eyes burning and closing…MUST FINISH THOUGHT!

8. Please stop pretending to be surprised when I whip out my camera at a restaurant.

9. Why is SEO still only orange!?!


11. Please don’t spill this horribly balanced coffee, on my laptop, on my white comforter while I take this super cute Instagram photo.

12. Why yes, I am willing to stand here and pose crazy while people watch to get a sweet photo. #notsorry

13. Can’t pack or plan vacations anymore without thinking of soon to be “What to Pack for Blank” and “Don’t forget these essentials!” posts.

14. How To’s and DIYs are the sh**

15. I love blogging. I’m not conceited and I don’t dislike other bloggers. I simply love to blog.


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What are some of your blogger thoughts you know we all share!?



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2 replies on “15 thoughts every Blogger has had one day or another”
    1. says: Diana J

      That is so awesome, I’m jealous! I’m so glad you had that at your disposal when you decided to join the blogging world. =)

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