Food Photography as a blogger

It drives some people crazy when you receive your food at a restaurant and everyone whips out their IPhone to snap a picture.  Most people, especially the Gen Y group, like to share every minuscule detail of their day whether they are gems or not. I’ll be honest, I am one of those people who will spend hours cooking and not let anyone take a bite until I get a picture. I worked hard on that meal and if I choose to share it, then so be it. I don’t go as far as capturing my meal in a dimly lit basement restaurant or my gross half eaten muffin but if I can show people an array of gorgeous foods or the hard work from the kitchen to the table, I will. While I love seeing other peoples healthy food options and cooking skills, there are a million food pictures out there that have no place in social media. BUT as many situations are, to each their own. So in light of all that, here’s a youtube clip that was too good not to share. We’ve all seen it, we’ve all done it, we all like it; so Happy food photo sharing.

Eat More Butter

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