14 Tips for Post Holiday Detox

The Holidays, while amazing and fun, can really jack up the body. It’s especially hard on people who are typically healthy then binge like a 12-year island dweller who just saw cookies and vodka for the first time. Me…it was me. In an effort to get my mind, body, fat ass, and spirit back into a healthy zen, I’ve conjured these 14 Tips for Post Holiday Detox. Get those juicers out ladies and gents, its only 5 months until beach season!


1. Jump on the smoothie train– A fruit and vegetable smoothie each morning is a great way to not only kick start your metabolism but get in those nutrients you wouldn’t usually eat in the morning. Try one of my smoothie recipes here!

2. Help Mr. Liver– You can help cleanse and protect your liver by taking herbs such as dandelion root, and drinking green tea.

3. Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night– Lack of sleep can lead to lack of energy, willpower, and a compromised immune system.

4. Sweat it out!– Working out is always an essential part of living a healthy lifestyle but a great body isn’t the only thing you’ll get out of it. Exercising increases circulation, rids the body of toxins, and releases endorphins leaving you all over happy and fit.


5. All natural deodorant– This may seem strange but most Antiperspirants contain Aluminum which swells and closes the sweat ducts, keeping you from sweating. This may seem great but keeping sweat in is also trapping in all those toxins that should be released during sweating. In addition, Aluminum can be linked to breast cancer and neurological disorders. Above is my favorite all natural deodorant from Grass Roots Country Store.

6. If you can’t pronounce it, Don’t stick it in your mouth– read the labels of everything you’re putting into your body.

7. Keep it Natural– Post holiday season is also usually the beginning of cold season with so much sugar, drinking, and people around. Rather than rushing to the docs office for antibiotics, try home remedies first. Warm water, honey, and lemon is a great immune booster and healing aid.

8. Dry Brush your hair– Dry brushing your hair not only helps to not break your hair (wet brushing is not good for your hair) but helps to draw out essential oils.

9. OM– give yoga a try for a new form of workout and meditation. Yoga is a great way to increase flexibility and relieve everyday stress.

10. Choose Organic– Look for the “Dirty Dozen” list. These are foods that you should buy organic whenever possible due to the pesticides and preservatives these foods contain and that you’re ingesting.


11. Sip it Down– water can help to flush out your entire system. Add lemons, grapefruit, and cucumbers for not only flavor but for flushing toxins and fat burn. Try to get in 6-8 glasses a day.

12. Set rules– A great way to keep up healthy habits is setting guidelines and rules for yourself. For example, No Alcohol Monday through Friday. You’re not illuminating it completely just avoiding excess exposure.

13. Body meet Superfoods– Superfoods contain nutrients and antioxidants our bodies need to fight off toxins and keep up our immune systems. Find foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids: Salmon, Avocado, Almonds, Flax seeds; and high in antioxidants: Blueberries, Spinach, Eggplant, and Sweet potatoes.

14. Listen to your body!– If you’re feeling tired, don’t suck down another coffee, instead try B-12 or exercise. If you’re craving sugar, you may be lacking in Sulfur or Chromium, instead eat grapes, cranberries, or cheese. Your body will tell you when it needs you to provide, don’t ignore it!

Happy Detoxing!


*I am in no way a health professional. The above statements are purely my opinions based on research, readings, and personal experiences.
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