Let’s Talk Wine

Hello Friends

Let’s talk WINE. God’s way of eternally letting us know he loves us.

Now that I post from my wine glass business website (dianastimeforwine.weebly.com) to my Facebook page, every advertisement in my Facebook news feed is wine. I don’t hate it. One thing that popped up recently that I thought fabulous and should be shared is www.clubw.com. It’s a website where you answer questions on foods you like and they pair you with wines you would enjoy, red and white. Also, your first purchase is $20.00 off. So someone created a company where you can literally be a fat ass through a questionnaire, get super pumped over wine pairings, then get those gorgeous glass containers filled with magical juice shipped straight to your couch. Where you are currently sitting, in sweats, drinking a glass of wine; wondering why you had to go out into the snow to retrieve that wine and why the heavens didn’t open up and cast down this website to you sooner. The universe is lazy sometimes; bare with it. Speaking of BAREfoot Wine…I don’t care if I’m no longer in college, its delicious and the gallon looking size bottle is only $9.99-12.00, I shall continue to drink this. Now let’s talk about how ridiculously classy you look!

No matter who you are or where you are for the night, no one is judging the classy gal with a glass of wine. You could of taken that bottle to the face in the cab over, topped off your 4th glass and if you’re not already slurring, you look like the well put together classy female with her simple glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. No judgement from surrounding eyes, they’re too focused on the girl ripping shots. Own the classy look with pride ladies, because when that wine kicks in, you’re going to be more drunk and sleepy then everyone around you.

Let’s clear something up real fast. WINE in general is not good for your heart. An occasional glass of RED WINE is good for your heart. (No drinking is actually best, but who are we kidding, you and Suzzy Q are finishing that bottle tonight.) All of you guzzling Moscato or yellow liquid sugar (not judging I had my extended Moscato faze) are not helping your heart, you are just adding to your thigh size. Red wine, while still high in calories can at least give you the happy sense of good heart health and many more years of wine drinking to come.

Wine is understanding. Wine gets our jokes. Wine is there for us when everyone is busy, and wine will sulk and cuddle us (in a sense of just feeling really warm inside) during the sad movie we’re watching by ourselves on the couch. If you drink enough wine it tastes pretty close to a relationship, so keep on sippin.

WINE: Respect her, love her, and slap her when she comes in a bag.


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